Latest Research Articles:
Thrive - Charles Sturt University Alumni Magazine, December 2024 // read full article
Nesting instinct: Alumni innovation protecting our native speciesLand for Wildlife South East Queensland Newsletter, November 2024 // read full article
Thinking outside the (nest) box to provide habitat for threatened speciesABC News, 6 July 2024 // read full article
Endangered greater gliders spotted in Batlow nesting box ignite hope for fire-ravaged colonyIberdrola Australia YouTube Channel, 27 June 2024 // see full video
Helping Spotted-tail Quoll populations to recover in NSW’s Central WestWildlife Australia Magazine, Summer 2023 Vol. 60 No. 4 // purchase online
Two Thumbs, hard work and innovation: bringing a burnt wildlife sanctuary back to lifeInternational Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), 23 January 2024 // read full article
Sanctuary destroyed by Black Summer recovering from ground upABC Radio Canberra, 12 November 2023 // hear full interview (begins at 8m 46s)
Two Thumbs bushfire recovery interview - Canberra Sunday BrunchAustralian Associated Press, 4 November 2023 // read full article
Sanctuary rises from the ashes of Black Summer firesThe Canberra Times, 26 May 2023 // read full article
Nest boxes installed at Two Thumbs Wildlife Trust Sanctuary to assist in bushfire recoveryThe Canberra Time, 25 May 2023 // read full article
Innovative nest boxes saving animals at Two Thumbs Wildlife TrustIFAW Website, 3 April 2023 // read full article
Australian wildlife find homes in nest boxes after firesCondobolin Argus, 8 Feb 2023 // read full article
Riverina Local Land Services, 9 Sep 2022 // watch full video
Gliding Away from Extinction7NEWS Central West, 8 Sep 2022 // watch full video
Mudgee Green Day hosted by Watershed LandcareThe Living Room, 12 Aug 2022 // watch full video
What A TreeeatThe Bird Emergency, 27 Jun 2022 // watch the full podcast
Monday with Grant - Artificial hollow update with Mick CallanK2W Glideways, 7 Jun 2022 // read full article
New homes for gliding possums and nest box sessionsCrookwell Gazette, 7 Jun 2022 // read full article
Simple trick helps local gliding possum population bounce back after land clearingABC News, 4 Jun 2022 // read full article
New nesting boxes help Snowy Mountains’ turquoise parrots recover from Black Summer bushfiresBoorowa News, 13 Jun 2022 // read full article
Habitat restoration in the upper LachlanABC Landline, 30 Mar 2022 // watch full video
Helping Habitats: Designing artificial tree hollows for wildlifeABC Landline, 20 Mar 2022 // watch short video
Tree hollows for native animalsABC News, 18 Mar 2022 // read full article
Ecologists launch plastic nest box innovation to bridge tree hollow shortage for gliding possumsNSW Roadside Environment Committee Newsletter, Nov 2021 // read full article
New techniques for habitat installations for hollow dependent faunaWestern Advocate, 4 Nov 2021 // read full article
Innovative injection moulded nest boxes to protect and shelter wildlifeABC News, 27 Oct 2020 // read full article
Charles Sturt University researchers create 3D plastic hollows for animals in bushfire-affected areasWestern Advocate 25 Oct 2020 // read full article
Local ornithologist contributes to game changing study on nest boxes
Carroll, R., Reynolds, J.K., Wright, I.A.(2023). Loss of soil carbon in a world heritage peatland following a bushfire. International Journal of Wildland Fire.
Carroll, R., Reynolds, J.K., Wright, I.A.(2022). Signatures of urbanization in temperate highland peat swamps on sandstone (THPSS) of the Blue Mountains World Heritage Area. Water.
Dela-Cruz, J., Powell. M, Tippler, C. Wen, L., O’Cock, J., Spencer, J. and Pritchard, T. (2021) Mapping the natural blue grid elements of Wianamatta-South Creek: High ecological value waterways, riparian vegetation communities and water dependent ecosystems. Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Parramatta.
Dela-Cruz, J., Tippler, C., Stewart, M., Chirgwin, W., Dawson, G., Krogh, M. and Pritchard, T. (2021). Performance criteria for protecting and improving the blue-grid in Wianamatta-South Creek: Water quality and flow related objectives for use as environmental standards in land use planning. Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Parramatta.
Ochoa-Hueso, R., Carroll, R., Piñeiro, J., Power, S. (2021). Understorey plant community assemblage of Australian Eucalyptus woodlands under elevated CO2 is modulated by water and phosphorus availability. Journal of Plant Ecology.
Carroll, R., Reynolds, J.K., Wright, I.A.(2021). Impact of urban development on endangered wetland ecological communities in the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area. Proceedings of the 10th Australian Stream Management Conference.
Carroll, R., Reynolds, J.K., Wright, I.A. (2020). Geochemical signature of urbanisation in Blue Mountains Upland Swamps. Science of the Total Environment.
Carroll, R., Reynolds, J.K., Wright, I.A. (2020). Geochemical signature of urbanisation in Blue Mountains Upland Swamps. Science of the Total Environment.
Reid D and Tippler C (2019) Providing natural benthic substrates does not counter impoverishment of macroinvertebrate communities in urban streams: a comparison of engineered and non-engineered reaches. Air, Water, Soil Pollution.
Carroll, R., Reynolds, J.K., Wright, I.A. (2019). Geochemical impact of urban development on fragile freshwater wetlands. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Callan M.N. (2018) The Importance of Swampy Meadows. Proceedings of the 9th Australian Stream Management Conference.
Christie B, Miller C, Callan M.N. and Price R (2018) Using Habitat Mapping to Prioritise On-Ground Investment: From Little Things Big Things Grow. Proceedings of the 9th Australian Stream Management Conference.
Carroll, R., Wright, I.A., Reynolds, J.K. (2018). Is geochemical contamination from urban development contributing to weed invasion in high conservation value wetlands? Proceedings of the 9th Australian Stream Management Conference.
Green, B.S., Carroll, R., Morrison, K.G., Reynolds, J.K., Wright, I.A. (2018). Community triggers EPA action to address river water pollution caused by inflow of coal mine waste water. Proceedings of the 9th Australian Stream Management Conference.
Tippler C, Wright, I. A., Davies, P. J., & Evans, C. R. (2018). Are Odonata nymph adversely affected by impaired water quality in urban streams. Austral Ecology.
Dean M and Tippler C (2016) Assessing riparian vegetation and creek channel condition in a rapidly changing urban space: A case study from Blacktown LGA. Proceedings of the 8th Australian Stream Management Conference.
Reid D, Tippler C, Evans C and Kotevska S (2016) Comparison of stream macroinvertebrate monitoring data from citizen scientists and an aquatic ecologist. Proceedings of the 8th Australian Stream Management Conference.
Belmer N, Tippler C and Wright I (2016) Urban swamp syndrome: degradation of a high conservation-value swamp from an urban catchment. Proceedings of the 8th Australian Stream Management Conference.
Callan M.N. and Hobden N (2016) Habitat Island for Migratory Birds. Proceedings of the 8th Australian Stream Management Conference.
Tippler C, Dean M, Birtles P, Davies P and Kermode S (2016) Eco-servicing South Creek: A case study from Australia's largest urban growth precincts. Proceedings of the 8th Australian Stream Management Conference.
Hoban A, Vietz G, Walsh C, Fletcher T, Tippler C, Erbil G and Brown S (2016) Saving Little Creek. Proceedings of the 8th Australian Stream Management Conference.
Kermode S, Birtles P, Vietz J, Lynch S, Dion J, Tippler C and Dean M (2016) The expanding role of urban fluvial geomorphology: South Creek. Proceedings of the 8th Australian Stream Management Conference.
Birtles P, Hoban A, Tippler C, Shoo B, Wright I and Davies P (2015) Liveability and an Urban Creek: Perspectives and Dreams of Residents Who are Not Yet. 9th International Water Sensitive Urban Design Conference and 3rd International Erosion Control Association National Conference.
Tippler C and Dean M (2015) Assessing riparian vegetation and creek channel condition in a rapidly changing urban space: A case study from Blacktown LGA. 9th International Water Sensitive Urban Design Conference and 3rd International Erosion Control Association National Conference.
Belmer N, Wright I and Tippler C (2015) Urban geochemical contamination of high conservation value upland swamps, Blue Mountains Australia. Air, Water, Soil Pollution.
Tippler C., Wright I.A, Davies P.J and Hanlon A (2014) The influence of concrete on the geochemical qualities of urban streams. Marine and Freshwater Research.
Tippler C., Findlay S., Wright I.A., Davies P.J., Evans C. and Ahmed M. (2014) Does seasonality influence freshwater macroinvertebrate communities in the temperate paradise of Sydney? Proceedings of the 7th Australian Stream Management Conference, Catchment to Coast.
Grella C., Wright I.A, Renshaw A., Emanuel M. and Tippler C (2014) Investigating soils in urban stream riparian zones: the mineral contamination points towards the impact of urban concrete stormwater infrastructure. Proceedings of the 7th Australian Stream Management Conference, Catchment to Coast.
Shield K., Wright I.A, Renshaw A., and Tippler C (2014) Why are the invasive freshwater gastropods, Physa acuta and Potamopyrgus antipodarum spreading into urban streams but cannot tolerate reference streams in naturally vegetated catchments? Proceedings of the 7th Australian Stream Management Conference, Catchment to Coast.
Wright I,A., Tippler C., Belmer N. and Lubyckij G (2014) Measuring the ecological impact of a coal mine discharge using freshwater macroinvertebrates: rapid biological assessment that generates rapid quantitative data. Proceedings of the 7th Australian Stream Management Conference, Catchment to Coast.
Tippler C., Wright I.A, Davies P.J and Hanlon A (2013) Ecosystem Guidelines for the Conservation of Aquatic Ecosystems of the Georges River Catchment: A Method Applicable to the Sydney Basin. Proceedings of the State of Australian Cities Conference.
Tippler C., Wright I.A and Hanlon A. (2012) Development of regional water quality and catchment guidelines for the conservation of aquatic ecosystems: a case study from the Georges River catchment, in Grove, J.R and Rutherford, I.D (eds). Proceedings of the 6th Australian Stream Management Conference, Managing for Extremes.
Wright, L.J., Nimmo, D.G., Green, M.C. et. al. (2025). Remnant habitat patches have lower reptile richness diversity compared to areas of continuous habitat. Austral Ecology.
Davies, P.J. and Tippler, C. (2024) A framework for using community determined iconic species to advance socio-ecology connections and promote nature-based solutions. Nature-Based Solutions.
Driscoll, D.A., Macdonald, K.J., Gibson, R.K. et. al. (inc. Green, M.C.) (2024). Biodiversity impacts of the 2019-2020 Australian megafires. Nature.
Green, M.C., Michael, D.R., Turner, J.M., Wright, L.J., Nimmo, D.G. (2024). The influence of severe wildfire on a threatened arboreal mammal. Wildlife Research.
Beasley, S., Freire, R., Callan, M.N., Massaro, M. (2024) The influence of plant scents on nest box inspection by Eastern Rosella (Platycercus eximius). Emu - Austral Ornithology.
Cowan, M.A., Callan, M.N., Tippler, C. & Nimmo, D.G. (2023) A technological advancement in artificial refuges for an endangered marsupial predator. Conservation Science and Practice.
Callan, M.N., Krix, D., McClean, C.M., Murray, B.R. & Webb, J.K. (2023) Thermal profiles of chainsaw hollows and natural hollows during extreme heat events. Biology
Callan, M.N., Johnson, A. & Watson, D.M. (2023). Influence of nest box design on internal microclimate: Comparisons of plastic prototypes. Austral Ecology.
Honey, R., McLean, C., Murray, B., Callan, M.N., & Webb, J. (2021). Choice of monitoring method can influence estimates of usage of artificial hollows by vertebrate fauna. Australian Journal of Zoology.
Cowan, M., Callan, M.N., Watson, M. J., Watson, D., Doherty, T. S., Michael, D., Dunlop, J., Turner, J., Moore, H., Watchorn, D., & Nimmo, D. (2021). Artificial refuges for wildlife conservation: what is the state of the science? Biological Reviews.